Monthly Archives: April 2015

Why So Many Teens Tell Me They Can’t Talk to Their Parents– How You Can Improve Communication with Your Teen

2022-04-27T17:44:00+00:00By |Family, Parenting, Teens|

I often have parents come into my office and say, “My teen won’t talk to me.” I meet with the parent(s) and they discuss their concern about their child not opening up to them. They talk about the teen’s tendency to withdraw, and they wonder what is going on. I later meet with the teen [read more]

Having Trouble Falling Asleep? Consider Changing Your Screen Time

2022-04-27T17:48:01+00:00By |Uncategorized|

I often hear people complaining about difficulty with sleep or still feeling tired when they wake in the morning. While a number of factors can contribute to sleeplessness (e.g. stress, trauma, depression, and shift work, to name a few), one thing you may not have considered is the impact that your screen time has on [read more]

Just Breathe Already!

2022-04-27T17:50:56+00:00By |Stress|

We’ve all heard it. That advice you don’t always want to hear when you’re stressed out, panicking, tense, angry, and worked up.  Someone nearby tells you to “Take a breath.” Relationship between Stress and Breathing There is a good reason for this old and common piece of advice. When we become stressed, we begin to take [read more]

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